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9 Elms Osteopath clinic London

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a patient-centred healthcare system of diagnosing and managing many medical and postural conditions associated with joints, muscles and nerves. 

9 Elms Osteopath clinic London

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that aims to restore, encourage and enhance physical well-being. In addition, osteopathy offers expert consultation to help you manage complex medical conditions that may require a holistic approach to returning to health and well-being. Osteopathy is all about finding the right solutions for the individual. 


Only registered osteopaths can call themselves so and use these techniques to treat you. The training is lengthy and rigorous, and the General Osteopathic Council strictly regulates the profession.

The osteopath will decide with you if further clinical tests, such as imaging or blood tests, are required so that you can make a fully informed decision about your health care. 


The assessment usually looks at your posture and how your body moves. The osteopath will identify where it hurts and when by performing safe physical tests and utilising their highly trained sense of touch. 

With the above, the osteopath will help you understand the diagnosis and roughly tell you how long it will take to get better. With your consent, the osteopath may sometimes feel that osteopathy is inappropriate and may refer you to your GP or another specialist. 


Together you will decide on the best way forward, discuss the benefits of manual treatment and discuss what actions you can take to help yourself. If osteopathic manual treatment is considered appropriate, the osteopath will perform some manipulative techniques of soft tissue, stretching and joint mobilisation to help alleviate the symptoms. The osteopath will always check that these techniques are within comfort and safety.

How does it work?

On your first visit, the osteopath will perform an in-depth history by asking questions about your current problem and questions about your general medical history and related factors like exercise, diet and work activities that may play a role in your symptoms. They may also perform various physical and clinical tests such as taking your blood pressure, feeling your pulse or checking your reflexes to see if you are in the right place.

9 Elms Osteopath clinic London

Usually, initial consultations will take up to 1 hour, with follow-up sessions lasting between 30 to 45 minutes, depending on your requirement.

9 Elms Osteopath clinic London

You do not need to see your doctor first if you are paying for your treatment. However, some insurance companies require you to do so before starting a treatment course.

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